Review GuidelinesUpdated 2 years ago
We monitor all publicly posted product reviews on our website. In compliance with Australian law and ACCC guidelines we may remove any reviews that appear to be fake, offensive, defamatory, irrelevant or contain profanities. This includes reviews that state a product resulted in a disease or a medical condition (including allergic reactions) or breaches TGA guidelines. We may edit your review in part to ensure it remains within these guidelines.
You should only review products based on your own experience of trying the product inside your GoodnessMe Box subscription or purchased through the GoodnessMe Shop. You can submit reviews only once for each product you receive, and please note: reviews can’t be changed by you or removed once you complete them.
Reviews should not be given on items which are faulty or have arrived broken or damaged. If you have received a faulty item please contact us for a replacement.
A maximum 20 reviews can be submitted each month into your account