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General FAQs & Expectations

When will I receive my first box?

Keen as mustard! Understandable, we are too. Goodies are delivered to your door every month -- what a treat. Boxes go out at the beginning of each month, as long as we get your order by the 20th of the previous month. Orders after the 20th of the mon

Will I still receive any remaining boxes once I cancel?

Of course! We always make sure to send all your prepaid boxes, even when your subscription has been canceled.

Why does my box look different to the others I've seen?

Great catch! We tailor boxes to cater to those who are vegan, dairy-free, and gluten-free which may account for some of the differences you've seen. We also pride ourselves on supporting big and small brands (it's why we do what we do!). We hand-pick

Can I get a refund?

A little reminder: We have a no refund policy. GoodnessMe Box is a subscription service that auto-renews, agreed upon sign up. Happy customers are our (healthier) jam. So, if there are issues with your product(s) please don’t hesitate to get in touch

I've moved house, but my box is going to my old address

No worries. Easily sorted. Easy peasy lemon squeezy…. If you’ve received a tracking no, please contact our partner couriers for redirection Aramex on (08) 9356 5309 or Australia Post on 13 76 78. Any problems please drop us a line at hello@goodnessbo

How do I cancel my subscription?

We’d hate to see you go and lose your subscriber perks! (* FREE standard shipping, 10 points per review, 2 points for every $1 spent, just to name a few). You’re a pretty special part of our family. But we understand life sometimes gets in the way so

I haven't received my bonus gift

Bonus Gifts... they come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. They’re for new subscribers, when you buy the 6 or 12 month subscription. If your bonus gift is missing, reach out to [email protected] and we will sort it out. P.s. Bonus gifts are on

My box looks different to others, am I missing items?

When should I make my purchase for Christmas delivery?

Great question!. As our subscriptions are processed upon payment... If you purchase before December 15th, you will receive our December edition as your first box. (Dispatched the18th DEC). If you purchase after December 15th, you would receive our Ja

How can I make sure I don't double up on Boxes?

Great Question! If I make my purchase before the 15th of the month, means you will receive the current month's box. Any purchases after the 15th are a pre-payment for the following month's box. If you're still unsure, be sure to reach out to our Cust